

Esprie is a character I ran for a far-future tabletop rpg called Lancer. She had lived her entire life aboard a space station where her parents researched ways of containing alien-like consciousnesses called Non-Human Persons (NHPs). Space raiders one day destroyed the space station, killing everyone inside, but Esprie miraculously survived.

Esprie became a mech pilot in order to hunt these raiders down.

Her callsign is Fizz, the name of an NHP she befriended while living on the space station.


Esprie actually died in the attack. Who people interact with is Fizz, an alien consciousness, inhabiting her body. Fizz is driven solely by the desire to find Earth, where they might have the technology to restore Esprie to life as long as Fizz preserves the body.

A pale woman with light-pink hair, magenta armor, and a cord for a belt. Also has a rod-like weapon at her side.