
Coding + Storytelling

An CSS Idea: Presentational Primitives

Web Dev

  • css
  • web development
  • web design
  • classes
  • readability
  • atomic design
  • experiment
  • idea
  • reusability

On one of my mini projects called Monado Recipes, I attempted a reusable styling pattern that I haven't really seen before I'm sorta calling the "presentational primitive". It's basically just a configurable CSS class, where the end goal is to have code that looks like the following:

<h2 class="{Font.size.stars(3)} {TriangleCorners({ type: "right" })}">

There's something nice and, dare I say, readable about the following markup:

<h2 class="font-size-3-star triangle-corners-right color-bg-shiny">

Without even looking at CSS, I can understand that this element probably has a medium-sized font, a triangular corner on the right side, and a gradient background of some kind. What's more, the presentation is decoupled from the actual tag used. The following might render nearly exactly the same thing, but with a different accessible semantic. Notice the p instead of h2:

<p class="font-size-3-star triangle-corners-right color-bg-shiny">

This is a core principle of utility-first design: document semantics and presentation semantics are different, and therefore we have different tools to express each:

  • We use HTML tags (h1, p, blockquote) for document semantics.
  • We use CSS class names (font-size-3-star, color-text-regular) for presentation semantics.

A presentational primitive is a configurable CSS class.

<h2 class="{Font.size.stars(3)} {TriangleCorners({ type: "right" })}">

For instance, Font.size.stars(3) becomes font-size-3-star, which is defined in CSS as:

.font-size-3-star {
	font-size: clamp(1.125rem, 2.25vw, 1.29375rem);

Using typescript as the surface area for the CSS classes allows the design system to be both discoverable and finite. And since we're using CSS classes, a single HTML tag can be decorated with multiple primitives.

I often find myself conflicted by design systems which try to create components out of every concept. There are just some things, such as font size, font color, spacing, and so on that I prefer to mix and match onto elements with definitively known accessible semantics.

That's the fancy way of saying I don't like this code:

<Spacing type="around" amount="3">
   <Font size="3" color="primary">
      <Heading level="2">Hello</Heading>

HTML eliminated the font tag a long time ago. Let's not bring it back.

So here's code that's better by applying the presentational ideas to the heading directly:

<Heading level="2" size="3" color="primary" spacing="around 3">

Problem is, now I have to actually create a custom Header component with all these presentational props. And I have to do that for every accessible semantic for which each the ideas of font size, color, and spacing apply. This means creating a custom Paragraph, Link, Section, ListItem, and the list goes on.

Why can't we just use regular, bonafide HTML elements directly? HTML elements automatically carry accessible semantics, and they provide exactly the mechanism for this kind of mix-and-match of styling ideas: CSS classes.

<h2 class="color-primary font-size-3 spacing-around-3">

The one issue I have with just using CSS classes is discoverability. Coding environments usually give you hints on how to use a function or piece of code where its interface is clearly defined. On the other hand, CSS classes are just a list of names for which there may be variations.

  • color-primary
  • color-secondary
  • color-dark

It would be cool if I typed color-, and then the code editor automatically suggested one of primary, secondary, or dark, but so far I haven't seen editors do this.

Hence, wrapping class names in Typescript functions gives a strongly typed interface by which the correct CSS class can be generated.

export const Color = {
   Primary: () => 'color-primary',
   Secondary: () => 'color-secondary',
   Dark: () => 'color-dark',

Now when I type <h2 class="{Color., the code editor gives me suggestions because it knows what Color is.

Components are not just useful, but necessary!

After all, if I have a title that is composed of four different classes, it would be annoying (not just annoying, but wrong) to repeat them everywhere I need that kind of title. Components do a few things:

  • They create reusability out of a composition of presentational primitives.
  • They create new document semantics that represent your design better than individual HTML tags do.
  • They create interactivity for when you need something more than static stuff on a page.

The idea is to follow the principles of Atomic Design: a design system is a set of atoms, and atoms compose molecules, and molecules compose organisms.

The atoms are the presentation primitives, and components are molecules.

When I have time, I'll write up something formal about how understanding that there are multiple types of "semantic HTML" helps with creating readable and reusable styling code.